フィンランド語学習記 vol.701 − What are the special difficulties?


英語で書かれたフィンランド語の文法書『Finnish: An Essential Grammar』でまっさきに挙げられているのは次の点です。

It is worth mentioning the areas of Finnish pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary which can cause most learning difficulty. The most difficult feature of the PRONUNCIATION of Finnish is the length (duration) of the sounds: differences of length very frequently serve to distinguish separate words. Compare pairs such as:

kansa people kanssa (together) with
tuli fire tulli customs
muta mud mutta but
muta mud muuta other (partitive case)
muta mud mutaa mud (partitive case)
tuulee it is windy tuullee it is probably windy


『Finnish: An Essential Grammar』P.8

これはつまり英語のネイティブスピーカーにとって kansa − kanssa、tuli − tulli のようなペアの発音を区別するのはとても難しいという話。





Finnish: An Essential Grammar (Routledge Essential Grammars)
Fred Karlsson
Routledge (2015-05-14)
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